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Artikel & News

/Dr. Markus Bergmann holding a sensor

30. November 2024

mecorad expands innovation with ESF-funded initiative

mecorad has taken a significant step toward further technological advancement and market expansion. by appointing Dr. Markus Bergmann as Innovation Manager.


11. July 2024

Doppler Effect: Transforming Radar Technology

In our latest post, we highlight one of the most important principles that contribute to radar technology: the Doppler Effect. In 1842, Austrian physicist Christian Doppler discovered a phenomenon that would transform multiple fields: the Doppler Effect. This principle, describing the change in frequency of waves relative to a moving observer, has become a cornerstone of radar technology.

/The picture shows a cavity magnetron, which was the first practical device for producing ultra-short radio waves, known as microwaves.

20. June 2024

The Magnetron: Revolutionizing Radar and Microwave Technology

The invention of the magnetron in the 1940s marked a pivotal moment in the history of technology. This high-power, high-frequency signal generator not only revolutionized radar technology but also found a ubiquitous place in households worldwide as a core component of microwave ovens. Understanding the development and impact of the magnetron provides insight into its vital role in both historical and modern applications of radar technology.


27. May 2024

Christian Hülsmeyer’s Historic Telemobiloscope Demonstration

This year marks the 120th anniversary of a groundbreaking moment in technology: the invention of radar by Christian Hülsmeyer. In 1904, Hülsmeyer unveiled the Telemobiloscope, the first device to use radio waves for detecting distant objects. This revolutionary demonstration at the Dom Hotel in Cologne forever changed the course of navigation and safety technologies. Join us as we delve into this historic achievement and celebrate Hülsmeyer's remarkable contribution to science and innovation.

/Skyscarper in New York, 80 Pine Street

12. April 2024

mecorad expands business in North America: Radar Measurement for the Steel Industry

mecorad Inc. was established to deliver cutting-edge radar measurement solutions to the steel and metals industry in North America.


24. November 2022

MaRSCH – On-line Materialklassifikation mittels Radar in Schlacken

On-line material's classification for slag with Radar


17. October 2022

Joint project for the research of slags starts

How can we improve the resource efficiency of metallurgical processes and at the same time make better use of the slag produced in these processes?


11. March 2022

mecorad is featured in the new STAHL + TECHNIK magazine

"Precise in-line thickness and width measurement of flat products", is the title of a article about mecorad, published by STAHL + TECHNIK in its 3rd issue 2022.


20. December 2021

Verbesserungen in Stranggießprozessen durch sächsische und Europäische Mittel gefördert

mecorad erhält finanzielle Unterstützung durch das "MEP-Programm" des Freistaates Sachsen und der Europäischen Union. Dieses Förderprogramm unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, neue Innovationen auf den Markt zu bringen und die Zeit bis zur Markteinführung zu verkürzen. Der gewährte MEP-Zuschuss fördert die Einführung von mecorads wtl-Serie für den Brammenstrangguss.


20. December 2021

mecorad´s improvements in continuous casting processes funded

mecorads gets financial support by the “MEP programme” of the Free State of Saxony and the European Union. This funding scheme supports companies to introduce new innovations to the market and to shorten the time-to-market for innovative products. mecorad receives the MEP fundings for launching wtl series for continuous slab casting.

/mecorad´s collegues Thomas Stein and Alexis Ojeda in front of Fraunhofer IWU in Chemnitz

29. November 2021

Co-operation with Fraunhofer IWU Chemnitz

mecorad stands for smart engineering. We are constantly setting new and exciting challenges for ourselves and our products. One example is our cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU) in Chemnitz.


22. October 2021

Messlösungen im Vergleich

Wenn es um die Messung von Distanzen oder komplexeren Objektgeometrien im industriellen Kontext geht, gibt es keine Universallösung. Je nach konkreter Messaufgabe und Anforderung stehen verschiedene Methoden zur Wahl.


22. October 2021

Measurement options for hot metals forming

When it comes to the measurement of distances or -even more complex- object dimensions in industrial contexts, there is no one and only right solution. Various methods are available, depending on the specific measuring task and requirements.


20. September 2021

A startup story- Product development for the steel industry

In September 2019, just one year after its official founding, mecorad won the TUClab competition at the Chemnitz University of Technology as one of three successful teams. The aim of mecorad was and is to develop solutions for the steel and metal industry in order to achieve high product quality with the least possible use of resources.


9. August 2021

Demonstrator in Chemnitz in Betrieb genommen

Normalerweise arbeitet unsere IIoT-Lösung wtl series unter den Bedingungen von Warmwalzwerken oder integrierten Stahlwerken. In diesem Bild sind vier unserer Radarsensoren modular auf unserem Demonstrator in unserem Büro in Chemnitz angeordnet, um die Messung von Breite und Dicke zu demonstrieren.


9. August 2021

Demonstrator installated in our office in Chemnitz

Usually, our IIoT solution wtl series works in rough surroundings of hot rolling mills or integrated steel plants. In this picture, four of our radar sensors are modularly arranged on our demonstrator in our office in Chemnitz to showcase the measurement of width and thickness.


23. July 2021

Green steel moving forward

In the current course of the conversion processes in the automotive industry, the topic of green steel has come more and more into focus. And this might just be the beginning.


21. May 2021

Processing geometry data of hot forming goods

What do you use for measuring your hotmetal forming goods? And when? Hours after they were rolled? Imagine, you would know the exact data when the goods are still hot. Or that you would know if there´s a need for a slight alignment of the rolls to achieve the best results while the process is ongoing.


11. May 2021

Green steel and beyond

More than 60 million tons CO2 equivalent are emitted by the German steel industry alone each year. What options are there to make processes significantly more resource-efficient?

/mecorad Team

9. February 2021

Featured by Fraunhofer Venture

We are proud to be featured in an article by Fraunhofer Venture. It describes how we are to closes a decisive digitization gap in steel production. We are very thankful for the co-operation within Fraunhofers TechBridge programme.


23. September 2020

Investor SBG onboarded

mecorad successfully onboarded a new investor. Saxony´s investment company SBG helps us to take our growth path to a higher level.